Photoaging or sun damage
happens when ultraviolet (UV) light hits skin cells unprotected by sunscreen, causing oxidative stress and DNA changes at a cellular.Department of Dermatology, University of Miami, Miami Beach, FL, USA (
link )
1. Hydrogen Heals at Cellular LevelHydrogen is extremely unique because of its smallest size.
This study in particular notes that because hydrogen is the smallest bio-available molecule that your body can absorb, this means its
antioxidant power is far more effective than other forms of antioxidants because your body can absorb large amounts molecular hydrogen without any problems of overdosing. Due to the smallest size molecular hydrogen
H2 removes toxic free radicals from their main source (mitochondria) and the cell nucleus (protecting DNA from oxidative damage).
2. Cleans Cells From ToxinsFor detoxification, it is important to ensure that nutrients enter the cell while toxins & products of metabolism leave it.
One study shows that molecular
hydrogen attacks dangerous forms of free radicals and turns them into water. Water removes toxins and products of metabolism from the cell. This powerful
cellular purification eliminates all harmful free radicals to prevent any cell damage and the aging process.